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How To Run Your Nail Art Instagram Like a Pro

Remember when being a nail tech was all about creating perfect manicures? Now, thanks to the rise of Instagram (and TikTok), creating content and running your social media accounts is like a second job.

As time-consuming as it can be, and as much as it might not be a direct correlation to the success of your nail business, it is a great tool we should all be utilising.

Being active on social media is a great way to build your business, and we’re here to show you how to run and manage your profiles like a pro.

Scroll to discover The Nail Tech Org‘s ultimate guide on how to showcase your work, connect with potential clients, and build your brand on social media.

1. Find Your Aesthetic

When creating and posting content on social media, try and stick to a colour palette or theme, as well as the tone and content of your captions.

Being on social media is all about creating a brand.

The end goal is you want someone to be scrolling, see your content, and immediately know it’s yours.

An easy way to carry this out is by always having your clients’ hands posed in the same position for instance, or starting your captions in a similar way.

Keeping things clear, easy to engage with and easily recognisable is a for sure way for you to build your brand, and make a name for yourself.

2. Create Engaging Captions and Stories

When creating content on Social media, pictures just aren’t enough.

Make sure that on every image and video, you are writing compelling and engaging captions.

Try including a question in your caption, to provoke a response from your audience.

Tag and list the products you have used

Use specific hashtags to widen your audience (we’ve gone through how to use hashtags here).

Talk about a new technique you’ve tried, or explain the background behind executing a specific design.

These inclusions are going to make your audience stop scrolling and read your content, hopefully leave a like and comment, thus boosting your engagement.

When creating stories, use things like polls and question boxes to your advantage, as this is also going to enhance your overall engagement.

3. Take High Quality Images and Videos

No matter how good your nail content is in real life, if your images and videos aren’t clear, crisp, and engaging, it might just be a wasted effort. You want to do your work justice!

Now we’re not saying you need to go out and purchase a fancy camera, your smart phone will do, but there are lots of factors to consider when taking and editing your content.

We’ve gone through our top tips on how to create the best content here.

4. Post Regularly and Be Consistent

Frequent posts and stories will keep up your engagement and help you appear more in searches, suggested accounts and the explore page.

Whatever you decide your content to be, all we ask is that you be consistent with it.

Make sure you’re taking images and videos whenever you can throughout the week, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly your bank of content fills up.

If consistency is something you struggle with, try making a monthly plan. Try and aim for X amounts of posts a week, splitting it into still image and video content, a story every other day, and tick it off like a to-do list, and see the benefits roll in.

Consistency is the true key to success, so don’t give up!

5. Engage With Others

Social media is the best way to engage with others.

Whether it be with other nail techs through likes, comments, follows, or tags, or comments and likes from potential clients, engaging with and building up your own little community is the most rewarding aspect of being active on social media as a nail tech.

As much as time permits, make sure you’re responding to comments and DMs from potential clients, even if it’s just a like of a comment.

And if you know you don’t have time to respond to all DMs or comments about appointments, make sure you explain this in your bio and give potential clients another avenue to contact you and secure an appointment.

We know juggling social media is a big task, alongside being a nail tech, but we just want to make sure you’re not missing out on gaining new clients

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